Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Adventures using eConnect Stored Procedures – Part 1

OK. So over a month ago I talked about doing an integration using the eConnect stored procedures directly instead of the COM+ or Message Queue interfaces. Well, I’m happy to report that the first one is completed. It’s a GL integration with AA (Analytical Accounting) transactions from an Excel file. Each row represents a single journal entry distribution and has two columns with AA dimensions. Each AA column represents a different dimension with a code for each that is allocated 100% of the distribution amount.

As I noted in the previous post, each eConnect XML node represents a single stored procedure of the same name. In this integration we’re using the following nodes:

  • taGLTransactionHeaderInsert
  • taGLTransactionLineInsert
  • taAnalyticsDistribution

Each of these stored procedures has a set of parameters that matches the parameters of the XML node and follows the same rules in terms of defaults and whether it’s required or not. In addition there are two output parameters at the end of the parameters list, @O_iErrorState, an integer and @oErrString a 255 character varchar. These parameters return information an any errors that occurred in processing.

In addition to the stored procedures that represent the eConnect XML nodes, there was an additional stored procedure, taGetNextJournalEntry, I used to return the next journal entry number. This stored procedure has the following three parameters:

  • @I_vInc_Dec – An integer that is either 1 or 0 to indicate whether to increment or decrement the number (in case you’re rolling back a transaction)
  • @O_vJournalEntryNumber – A 13 character output parameter that returns the next journal entry number.
  • @O_iErrorState – An integer output parameter that returns an error number or 0 if no errors occurred.

A lesson I learned was the importance of running the stored procedures in the correct order. My gut told me to create the header first, then the transaction lines and AA distributions. My gut was wrong.

Actually after creating the header and then the transaction lines I was mostly OK. The transactions did get created with the proper distributions. The only clue that something was wrong was that the batch transaction count and total was incorrect. However, after adding the AA logic I got no AA distributions.

Integrating AA has never failed to frustrate me. A couple of hours of foul language and troubleshooting later I ended up writing a little test app that wrote added the transactions through the COM+ interface. After running a SQL trace in SQL Server Profiler, I discovered that the transaction header insert stored procedure needs to be run last, not first. Once the calls were rearranged all was happy!

What did I learn? When you avoid the COM+/XML parsing/DTC overhead it’s incredibly fast. That you should have a test application ready to create the transactions using the COM+ interface to determine the correct stored procedure order. That you’ll need to handle transactions in your own code instead of relying on the COM+ object and DTC. And that it’s really not that hard to do and a good option if you have direct access to the database.

In future posts I’ll talk about some of the other things I did in this integration including handling the errors returned from the eConnect stored procedures and connecting to the database using the end-user’s GP credentials.


  1. I've used direct stored procs before and they work like a charm - you are absolutely correct that the order of the procs makes a huge difference - what I've found is that if you follow the same order on the Schema Reference, you would always be inserting in the correct order. You can check out the GL Transaction Schma on this page and see that the order of the procs is almost reverse. URL: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb625176.aspx

  2. That's an interesting observation. I hadn't really noticed that. I'll have to keep an eye out for that and see if it holds true as I do integrations into other modules.


  3. Good afternoon.
    I'm sorry that we have to use a translator, I do not know much English.
    I'm working on GP and I was very interested in what you wrote. Could you cite the source in which there is work with GL.
    Thanks in advance.

  4. Where did you find any documentation for these stored procedures? I've been looking all over for this to no avail.

    1. I'm afraid I've been out of the GP world for a few years so I don't specifically recall but I don't think there was any documentation on the stored procedures themselves. I basically had to reverse engineer them from the eConnect XML documents and occasionally (as noted in the post) by using SQL Server Profiler.
