Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Quick ODBC Administrator Tip When Installing Dynamics GP on 64bit Systems

We’ve started to run across clients requesting that we install Dynamics GP clients on systems with 64bit operating systems.  One of the first issues we came across was not being able to find the Dynamics ODBC DSN.  A DSN created by the Dynamics GP install was not visible in the ODBC Administrator tool and a DSN created in the Administrator tool was not visible to Dynamics.

It turns out that the default ODBC Administrator tool under the Windows Administrative Tools menu on a 64bit OS is the 64bit version for 64bit ODBC.  Since Dynamics is still a 32bit app we need to find and run the 32bit ODBC Administrator tool.  The executable is Odbcad32.exe and is located in the %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64 folder.


  1. My eConnect Integration service is installed on the server..
    I have axcess that service from my client desktop application by using ADD SERVICE REFRENCE..


    By doing so service is succesfully added in my client application..
    But When I use the method ...

    string result = objEConnectClient.CreateTransactionEntity(conGP,xmlDoc.OuterXml);

    The exception is thrown ..
    that is

    There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://srv01/Microsoft/Dynamics/GP/eConnect/EntityOperations that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.


    I have checked the server and GP Integaration service is running there smoothly..

    Need help in this regard...

  2. From the endpoint URL it looks like you're attempting to connect using the net.pipe protocol rather then http. I'm wondering if there's a firewall issue going on.

  3. Hi Guys,

    Can anybody help me, how to call Dynamics GP from my .net web service?

    I don't know much about Dynamics GP. It is installed on my server. i can see it in windows service list. Nothing is there in IIS related to GP but smart connect which is eConnect I think.

